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> Middle East


Population growth
3.19 %  
GDP per capita
Source: World Bank, latest available data

19 Show projects list

AICS development projects

€ 15,806,684

Total resources committed

€ 11,913,761

Total resources used

What is it spent for?

The purpose/sector of destination of a bilateral contribution should be selected by answering the question “which specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster”. The sector classification does not refer to the type of goods or services provided by the donor. Sector specific education or research activities (e.g. agricultural education) or construction of infrastructure (e.g. agricultural storage) should be reported under the sector to which they are directed, not under education, construction, etc. read more close

By means of?

The typology identifies the modalities that are used in aid delivery. It classifies transfers from the donor to the first recipient of funds (e.g. the recipient country, a multilateral organisation, or a basket fund).  It does not track the end uses of the funds, which is addressed in the sector classification and to some extent through the policy objective markers. read more close

Main ongoing projects

Recipient € Used resources
Technical Assistance Fund in Jordan JO 5,115,978
Humanitarian Protection programme in favor of refugees and hosting communities in Jordan JO 4,000,000
Emergency initiative for the social protection and the integrated assistance of refugees and host communities in Jordan JO 4,000,000
Enhancing protection through an integrated assistance framework for vulnerable groups among Syrian refugees and hosting communities in Jordan. JO 3,998,795
Opportunity 2 - LRRD iniziative to support the economic empowerment of syrian refugees in jordan JO 3,510,000
Jordan - Initiative aimed at contributing to achieving minimum protection goals for particularly vulnerable refugees and hosting communities in Jordan JO 3,220,020
Enhancing protection through an integrated assistance framework for vulnerable groups among Syrian refugees and hosting communities in Jordan. JO 3,194,795
Contribute to achieve minimum protection goals for particularly vulnerable refugees and hosting communities in Jordan - Phase II JO 2,816,069
Job creation for youth and women trough improvement of business environment and SMEs competitiveness JO 2,568,264
LRRD initiative to support the creation of sustainable livelihoods for refugees by the Syrian crisis and the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic. JO 2,400,000
Enhancement of Jordanian SMEs inclusiveness, competitivity and sustainable innovation JO 2,300,000
Supporting vulnerable adolescents and young people in Jordan through career counselling, technical and vocational training and entrepreneurship JO 2,000,000
Housing rehabilitation in the Palestinian refugee camp of Hitteen JO 1,763,558
Women's economic empowerment promoting women participation. JO 1,550,000
Royal Tombs: Preserving the Palace Tomb in Petra JO 1,510,371
My need - Integrated social protection programme for children in Jordan JO 1,500,000
Support to the creation of sustainable livelihoods for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians. JO 1,500,000
Provide healthy school meals to school children JO 1,500,000
Integrated social protection & education services enabling all vulnerable children to attend school in Jordan. JO 1,500,000
Contribution to UNHCR efforts supporting Syrian refugees to access healthcare, basic needs and disability support in Jordan JO 1,500,000
Towards a more inclusive economy through immediate-job generation and enterprise-development for vulnerable refugee and host communities in Jordan – P JO 1,500,000
Support to the school feeding programme for syrian and jordain students JO 1,500,000
Enhancing Self-Reliance and Inclusion Prospects for Displaced-Affected Communities (Vulnerable Iraqi and Host Communities) JO 1,500,000
Support to UNRWA for provision of comprehensive healthcare services to palestine refugees from Syria in Jordan JO 1,500,000
Supporting UNRWA for provision of comprehensive healthcare services to Palestine Refugees from Syria in Jordan JO 1,500,000
Contribution to UNHCR effort related to the Syria Crisis in Jordan JO 1,500,000
Contribution to UNHCR efforts supporting Syrian refugees in Jordan through cash-assistance JO 1,500,000
Provision of Integrated Comprehensive Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Interventions for Refugee and PoVulnerable JO 1,500,000
Program in support of the municipalities affected by the Syrian refugees influx in Jordan. JO 1,492,048
Support to the education and health sectors in favour of refugees and host communities in Jordan. JO 1,466,006