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Middle East, regional

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AICS development projects

€ 0

Total resources committed

€ 303

Total resources used

What is it spent for?

The purpose/sector of destination of a bilateral contribution should be selected by answering the question “which specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster”. The sector classification does not refer to the type of goods or services provided by the donor. Sector specific education or research activities (e.g. agricultural education) or construction of infrastructure (e.g. agricultural storage) should be reported under the sector to which they are directed, not under education, construction, etc. read more close

By means of?

The typology identifies the modalities that are used in aid delivery. It classifies transfers from the donor to the first recipient of funds (e.g. the recipient country, a multilateral organisation, or a basket fund).  It does not track the end uses of the funds, which is addressed in the sector classification and to some extent through the policy objective markers. read more close

Main ongoing projects

Recipient € Used resources
School for all - access to quality education opportunities for school-aged children victims of the Syrian Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan 5,500,000
From vulnerability to resilience: actions to improve the living conditions of the Syrian refugees and the host population in Lebanon and Jordan. 5,294,767
Support to the No Lost Generation and Health Initiatives in Jordan and Syria 2,000,000
Contribution to ICRC for protection activities in Lebanon and Jordan 2,000,000
Sixth contribution of the Italian Cooperation to the European Union Regional Trust Fund (EUTF) in response to the Syrian crisis - Madad Fund 2,000,000
Contribution to UNHCR tio support WASH, protectiona dn health intervention in Lebanon and Jordan in response to the Syria crisis 2,000,000
UNFPA Multicountry Response to GBV and Reproductive Health Needs of Women and Girls affected by the Syria crisis in Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan 2,000,000
"Promoting Vulnerable Women's Economic and Social Empowerment in Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt" 1,765,000
WEE.CAN! - Women's Economic Empowerment: Host Communities And Syrian Refugees working together to create New livelihood opportunities 1,733,300
Support to UNRWA Education and Healthcare for Palestine Refugees 1,500,000
ICRC Assistance, Protection, Prevention and Cooperation Activities in the Syrian Arab Republic 2020 1,500,000
Fourth contribution of the Italian Cooperation to the European Union Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the MADAD FUND -EUTF 1,000,000
Sustainable and Efficient Explosive Hazard Management and Technical support in Iraq 1,000,000
Contribution to the ICRC Response to Sexual Violence, Health and Protection Activities based on gender and age factors in Iraq – 2021 1,000,000
Contribution 2021 to UNHCR efforts supporting Syrian refugees in Jordan through cash-assistance 750,000
Voluntary Contribution CIHEAM-IAM Mediet Project 750,000
Emergency contribution to the Jordan Humanitarian Fund (JHF) for 2021 500,000
Emergency Contribution to the Iraq Humanitarian Fund (IHF) 2021 500,000
Sciences for Diplomacy 2: Multisectorial training Programme 402,381
Fund for Coordination, Technical Assistance, Administration & Monitoring of Emergency Programs in the frame of the Syrian Crisis. 227,206
Support to Women Refugees from Syria and Vulnerable Women and Girls in Host Communities in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon 200,000
"Promoting Vulnerable Women's Economic and Social Empowerment in Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt" 140,400
WEE.CAN! - Women's Economic Empowerment: Host Communities And Syrian Refugees working together to create New livelihood opportunities 78,436
ASSISTANCE to and Empowerment of Syrian Women and Girls Refugees and Vulnerable Girls and Women of Host Communities in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon 69,567
Support for the reorganization of production, management and trade unions of producers of dates Palestinians and Egyptians 9,270