PRESTo: Promote REsilience to climate change and sustainable management of natural resources in Tunisia
ImplementationAid type
Project-type interventionsTunisia
€ 2,838,326
€ 1,702,995
The project PRESTo aims to contribute to the strengthening of climate change resilience and adaptation of the population through the sustainable and responsible management of natural resources in Tunisia (GO). The 36- months-process is based on the enhancement of the capacities and the role of civil society and agricultural institutions in addressing global climate challenges in Nabeul, Bizerte, Mahdia and Jendouba Governorates (SO). The strength and uniqueness of the project PRESTo draw from its implementation strategy. First of all, the partnership envisages the constitution of a solid and cohesive Associazione Temporanea di Scopo (ATS) between two NGOs of proven experience: CEFA (support of civil society, promotion of small entrepreneurship and valorisation of local products and resources) and ICU (promotion of sustainable development, innovative solutions in agriculture and water efficiency). These competences are integrated by the strategic institutional presence of DGGREE and the technical expertise of the partners: IBE (conservation and management of natural resources), AVFA (good agricultural practices), ATDE (environment, legislation, participatory processes). The partnership enables the development of a wide and composite action reflecting the goal of climate resilience and adaptation on diversified targets. At the same time, the scope of the project gains territorial comprehensiveness, including key stakeholders of the urban reality (R1), the institutional arena (R2) and the rural context (R3). The intervention logic can be summed up in three complementary pillars. The first pillar (R1) deals with the technical and thematic strengthening of the civil society for the management of associative projects and the implementation of an informative and awareness-raising campaign on the causes and effects of climate change. The target groups of this pillar are the members of local associations and young people. The objective is to provide the OSC with the necessary skills and means to implement direct actions on the territory and mobilise the population. 56 associations, following the training path on Clime Adapt and Project Management, will apply to the funding of 24 environmental micro-projects. These actions will be based on the strategic plans called “territorial sustainability manifestos” conceived in parallel to the training of the same OSC according to a participatory model aimed at identifying the priority themes and initiatives to be addressed at the local level (and then at the national one), in order to protect natural resources and mitigate the effects of climate change. The strengthening of institutions related to the Ministry of Agriculture (MARHP) and intended to the adoption of water efficiency and resilient agricultural practices, constitutes the second pillar of intervention (R2) and is addressed to 300 local institutions executives and technicians (CRDA, CTV, CFPA and GDA). Direct transmission of competences to qualified personnel will take place through the development of innovative solutions (app) and practical demonstrations (installations in pilot parcels). Moreover, the institutions technicians, trainers and experts will take part to training courses to enhance knowledge on good agricultural practices, water resources efficiency and diversification and the inter-relation between agriculture and climate change. The impact is twofold: the development and experimentation of technological innovations enables the acquisition in loco of new skills replicable in other areas of the country while the trained target group will disseminate appropriate agricultural practices on the territory.
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Year | Committed | Used |
2022 | € 2,838,326 | € 1,702,995 |
Type | Name | Channel code |
Government | AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development | 11000 |
Channel reported
Type | Name | Channel code |
Project data
Policy markers
Scheda ambientale (Download)
Language | Italian |
Format | application/pdf |