The Water Code (TWC). Sustainable management of the world’s water resources formula
Developing countries, unspecified
FinalisationAid type
Development awarenessDeveloping countries, unspecified
€ 699,933
€ 699,933
The project is aimed at increasing public awareness on the issues of international development cooperation and on the 17 Sustanaible Development Goals. The Water Code (TWC) Sustainable management of the world’s water resources formula is an active global citizenship and sustainability education project that aims to spread knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors for the promotion of sustainable development, environmental protection and mitigation of anthropogenic impact on the worlds rivers, lakes and seas. Therefore, the project wants to contribute to the development and strengthening of a concept of citizenship, understood as belonging to the global community, contributing in a pragmatic way to individual and collective change for the creation of a more sustainable and just world. The project is directly addressed to teachers and students of elementary, middle and high schools, school communities, local administrators and citizens of nine Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, with the whole country able to participate thanks to the possibilities offered by digital tools. The water code moves in both formal and non-formal education, with the intent to meet the needs of teachers and educators to have opportunities for professional development on the content of sustainability and how to teach it to young people through innovative proposals that can engage and activate participants in the acquisition of attitudes, behaviours and lifestyles oriented towards sustainability. The project offers students the opportunity to be the protagonists of their own learning path, to reason freely about the links of cause and effect that are the basis of the problems, providing cognitive tools and motivational support that lead to identify individual and collective solutions to problems (environmental, social, economic) in Italy and in the world. Also thanks to the work of teachers and students, citizens and local authorities in the region will be offered information on the state of natural ecosystems, advice on how to reduce the impact of humans on the natural environment, and best practices and strategies for sustainable environmental management. The water code proposes a path of active learning for each target group, in which each participant has a task to perform for which it is necessary to acquire knowledge, find information and data, verify possible alternatives and finally propose a solution that can contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular those most directly related to the management of water resources in the world. The project will use different tools and approaches for each target group to attract and engage participants: from integrated digital education to coding, from citizen journalism to changemaking hackathons, from outdoor education to edutainment, from training and capacity building to social communication. The expected results are an increase in the capacity of teachers to educate on sustainable development (Agenda 2030) and active global citizenship (ECG); an increase in the knowledge of students on the causes and effects of water pollution and their skills to promote sustainable development; an increase in the awareness of citizens on the negative consequences of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment and the knowledge of the correct behaviors to reduce the negative impact on rivers, lakes and seas of the world. The project will be implemented by a consortium of organizations involved in various capacities and levels in the promotion of global citizenship and sustainable development.
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Year | Committed | Used |
2024 | € 0 | € 279,973 |
2022 | € 699,933 | € 419,960 |
Type | Name | Channel code |
Government | AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development | 11000 |
Channel reported
Type | Name | Channel code |
National NGO | HELP CODE ITALIA ONLUS | 22000 |
Project data
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