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> Africa


Population growth
1.35 %  
GDP per capita
Source: World Bank, latest available data

Italian Cooperation in the country

Morocco has no longer been a priority for the Italian Cooperation since 2012 due to its economic and social development indicators that have significantly improved in recent years thanks to the measures implemented by the current Government. The recent period was characterized by a macro-economic context of favorable growth which, in 2015, reached 4.5% (compared to 2.7% in 2012), thanks also to the ability of Morocco to protect itself from the more incisive effects of the global economic crisis.

The preparation of important structural reforms in all sectors has been supported by an accelerated acceleration of legislative action, in particular aimed at the social promotion of citizens, the improvement of services, the creation of employment and the increase of the minimum wage (SMIG), together with the effects of the new Constitution more open to human rights. In fact, an integrated policy has been introduced in favor of women, the organization of the first national dialogue with civil society, aimed at supporting social cohesion through an ever-increasing space dedicated to the Amazigh Berber cultures.


The Italian strategy and the areas of intervention

Since the 1960s, Development Cooperation has played an important role in relations between Italy and Morocco. The first Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement between the two countries was signed in Rome in 1961.

In 2007, a collaboration started with the Authorities of the Kingdom of Morocco aimed at developing an organic strategy of development interventions that was then ratified in May 2009 by agreements signed in Rabat with the Italian Government.

The bilateral initiatives agreed on that occasion, and still ongoing, concern the connection to the water network of schools and health dispensaries (Pager II), micro-credit and health in rural areas.

To complete the bilateral cooperation package, mention must be made of the 2009 Moroccan Italian Debt Conversion Agreement signed in 2009, for € 20 million, currently concluded. In April 2013, a new 15 million euro Conversion Agreement was signed in Rabat for the implementation of Poverty, Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Health Care initiatives.


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What is it spent for?

The purpose/sector of destination of a bilateral contribution should be selected by answering the question “which specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster”. The sector classification does not refer to the type of goods or services provided by the donor. Sector specific education or research activities (e.g. agricultural education) or construction of infrastructure (e.g. agricultural storage) should be reported under the sector to which they are directed, not under education, construction, etc. read more close

By means of?

The typology identifies the modalities that are used in aid delivery. It classifies transfers from the donor to the first recipient of funds (e.g. the recipient country, a multilateral organisation, or a basket fund).  It does not track the end uses of the funds, which is addressed in the sector classification and to some extent through the policy objective markers. read more close