FinalisationAid type
Contributions to multi-donor/multi-entity funding mechanismsSyria
€ 4,500,000
€ 4,500,000
The initiative supports two distinct Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPF) managed by OCHA in Syria under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator. These funds are designed to ensure timely and effective life-saving assistance through frontline responders. Donor contributions are channeled into unearmarked funds to support various humanitarian efforts on the ground. The implementing partners include national and international NGOs, UN agencies, and organizations from the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement. Specifically, the initiative involves: (i) a contribution of 4.5 million euros to the Syria Humanitarian Fund (SHF), based in Damascus, which finances humanitarian assistance in areas under government control; (ii) a contribution of 4.5 million euros to the Syrian Cross-border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF), based in Gaziantep, Turkey, which finances humanitarian assistance in north-western Syria, in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. CBPFs have significantly integrated gender and disability considerations into their funding strategies and programming. Specifically, both funds include activities for the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) with a focus on women and girls from the most vulnerable contexts.
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Year | Committed | Used |
2024 | € 4,500,000 | € 4,500,000 |
Type | Name | Channel code |
Government | AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development | 11000 |
Channel reported
Type | Name | Channel code |
Multilateral | UNOCHA - United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs | 41127 |
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