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Emergency Initiative to protect vulnerable population in the Hodh El Chargui region in Mauritania




Aid type

Project-type interventions




€ 5,000,000
€ 5,000,000


The initiative aims to improve the livelihoods of the vulnerable population (refugees, returnees and host communities) in the Hodh El Chargui region in Mauritania, on the border with Mali. Specifically, the intervention will include actions to (i) strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable households subject to food insecurity and the impacts of climate change, (ii) enhance access to water resources, safe drinking water, and sanitation and hygiene services (iii) combat malnutrition among pregnant and/or lactating women and children aged 0-59 months, and (iv) improve the response to the immediate protection needs with a focus on women, minors and people with disability in vulnerable situations. read more close
Year Committed Used
2025 € 5,000,000 € 5,000,000


Type Name Channel code
Government AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development 11000

Channel reported

Type Name Channel code
Government AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development 11001

Project data

  • IATI IdentifierXM-DAC-6-4-012961-01-0
  • AID012961/01/0
  • Planned start 2024/02/12
  • Planned End 2026/02/12
  • Actual start 2025/02/05
  • Actual end -
  • Bi/Multilateral Bilateral
  • Status Finalisation
  • Tied status Untied


  • 72010 - Material relief assistance and services 50.0%
  • 72040 - Emergency food assistance 50.0%

Policy markers

  • Gender Equality significant objective
  • Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) not targeted
  • Disability significant objective
  • Nutrition significant objective
  • Aid to Environment not targeted
  • Participatory Development/Good Governance not targeted
  • Trade Development not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change - Mitigation not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change - Adaptation not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Convention to Combat Desertification not targeted
  • Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) not targeted


  • 2.1 - By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round
  • 2.2 - By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons
  • 2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
  • 3.2 - By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births
  • 5.2 - Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
  • 6.1 - By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
  • 6.2 - By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations