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Support sustainable tourism through safeguarding, rehabilitation and promotion of the Agro-Cultural Landscape in Battir




Aid type

Project-type interventions




€ 2,850,000
€ 1,500,000


After 1967, and in particular over the past two decades, this area witnessed the progressive establishment of several new settlements and their connecting infrastructure (i.e. roads, public service outputs), leading to the ‘enclavisation’ of the Battir area and surrounding villages (Hussan, Beit Jala and Wadi Fukin) and a new complex mobility system resulting from the separation of roads. Also, the recently constructed Separation Barrier that surrounds the Bethlehem urban area further isolates the Western Bethlehem Villages from the West Bank, the city of Bethlehem and even from each other. This situation has triggered a socio-economic crisis in the area characterized by agricultural livelihood decline (due to increasing transaction costs, poor market access for local products and expropriation of agricultural land), as well as reduced freshwater availability. This project has the double purpose of promoting sustainable tourism in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Battir through the rehabilitation and protection of its unique cultural landscape with millenary terrasses and irrigation system and to strengthen the sustainable production of agro-ecological varieties typical of the area, even from an economic standpoint, thanks to the efficient use of the natural resources of the area. The project provides training for women's associations and support for women-led farms. read more close
Year Committed Used
2023 € 2,850,000 € 1,500,000


Type Name Channel code
Government AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development 11000

Channel reported

Type Name Channel code

Project data

  • IATI IdentifierXM-DAC-6-4-012732-01-1
  • AID012732/01/1
  • CRS Activity identifier2023040158
  • Planned start 2023/01/01
  • Planned End 2025/12/01
  • Actual start 2023/08/11
  • Actual end -
  • Bi/Multilateral Bilateral
  • Status Implementation
  • Tied status Untied


  • 31110 - Agricultural policy and administrative management 30.0%
  • 33210 - Tourism policy and administrative management 20.0%
  • 41040 - Site preservation 50.0%

Policy markers

  • Gender Equality significant objective
  • Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) significant objective
  • Disability not targeted
  • Nutrition not targeted
  • Aid to Environment principal objective
  • Participatory Development/Good Governance significant objective
  • Trade Development significant objective
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change - Mitigation not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change - Adaptation not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Convention to Combat Desertification not targeted
  • Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH) not targeted


  • 11.4 - Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
  • 15.4 - By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development
  • 2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
  • 8.9 - By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products