SUMUD - Resilience, innovation and sustainability for the Tunisian micro-small-medium enterprises in the agriculture, crafts and tourism sectors
ImplementationAid type
Project-type interventionsTunisia
€ 3,542,824
€ 2,125,694
The SUMUD initiative targets the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and social enterprises operating in tourism, crafts and agriculture sector in order to increase their resilience during the current economic crisis, made even more acute by the Covid19 pandemic, as well as their ability to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable economic development. The project is the result of the consolidated collaboration between five local and international organizations (Oxfam, AVSI Foundation, Tuscany Region, SHANTI and APAD-Association for Sustainable Agriculture), able to mobilize complementary and transversal skills in the field of socio-economic development. In line with the objectives of the call promoted by AICS, SUMUD (resilience in Arabic) will last 36 months and will pursue the objective of promoting sustainable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, aiming at full and productive employment and decent work for all, in line with SDG 8. The intervention logic aims to create employment and sources of income by supporting the private sector and by strengthening regional and local public authorities and civil society. The governorates selected for the implementation of the project are Sfax, Mahdia, Siliana and Tozeur, identified as priorities by the Ministries of Agriculture, Tourism and Crafts and characterized by the strong presence of MSMEs. During 2020, Tunisias already weak economic growth suffer a further setback. The number of jobs lost as a result of the crisis is estimated at between 143,000 and 430,000, and the unemployment rate has reached 17.4%, exceeding 35% for young people on the threshold of 2021. The level of poverty in the country has grown, negatively impacting already vulnerable populations, especially women, most of whom remain employed in the informal sector. Moreover, in pre-pandemic “era”, more than half of the formal employment in Tunisia was granted by MSMEs, which were inevitably the most affected by the crisis. Tourism, agriculture and crafts sectors that drive the countrys economy - have been particularly impacted by the crisis. Tourism, has been affected by health measures that have imposed travel bans at national and international level; agriculture has been affected by difficulties in accessing land and the presence of numerous intermediaries in the value chains and finally, the craft sector has been affected by the consequences of the fall in tourist flows. All three sectors are suffering, now more than ever, from problems of access to finance and the under-use of resources intended to strengthen the capacities of Tunisian entrepreneurs. Young people, women and people with disabilities represent the groups most affected by the situation described above. In order to respond to these challenges, the project will focus on implementing activities along three pillars: 1. AVSI, SHANTI and APAD, which have been active in the business support sector for years, will implement a technical and financial support programme for Tunisian MSMEs and social enterprises with the aim of supporting them in developing innovative and crisis adaptation strategies that strengthen their resilience and sustainability, as well as their social and environmental impact. 2. The Tuscany Region, with its long experience in implementing participatory local development strategies, will promote socio-economic and employment generation plans for young people and women with the active participation of local authorities, in order to strengthen their technical skills in the field of participatory governance and in order to develop territorial policies for inclusive work.
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Year | Committed | Used |
2022 | € 3,542,824 | € 2,125,694 |
Type | Name | Channel code |
Government | AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development | 11000 |
Channel reported
Type | Name | Channel code |
National NGO | OXFAM ITALIA ONG/ON | 22000 |
Project data
Policy markers
Scheda ambiente (Download)
Language | Italian |
Format | application/pdf |