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Aid type

Project-type interventions




€ 200,000
€ 0


The business idea behind the project is the production of olive oil soap and cosmetic products. Zaytuna project is inspired by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, specifically SDG number 8, that promotes decent work and economic and sustainable growth, and SDG number 11 that fosters the development of sustainable cities and communities. read more close
Year Committed Used
2022 € 200,000 € 0


Type Name Channel code
Government AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development 11000

Channel reported

Type Name Channel code
organisation_type. EHSI SRL SRL 61009

Project data

  • IATI IdentifierXM-DAC-6-4-012313-01-3
  • CRS Activity identifier2022000061
  • AID012313/01/3
  • Planned start 2021/10/05
  • Planned End 2023/10/04
  • Actual start -
  • Actual end -
  • Bi/Multilateral Bilateral
  • Status Implementation
  • Tied status Untied


  • 32120 - Industrial development 100.0%

Policy markers

  • Participatory Development/Good Governance principal objective
  • Trade Development not targeted


  • 8.4 - Improve progressively, through 2030, global resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, in accordance with the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, with developed countries taking the lead