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{'it': 'Sudan', 'en': 'Sudan'}


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> Africa


Population growth
2.38 %  
GDP per capita
Source: World Bank, latest available data

Italian Cooperation in the country

Strategic development document in the country

The Italian strategy and the areas of intervention

Alignment with the local government strategy and harmonization with donor community interventions

Goals and expected results

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COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Interim Basic Education Strategy - 2012 of 2012/06/04
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  National Health Sector Strategic Plan II (2012-16) of 2012/06/04
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  National Nutrition Strategic Plan 2014-2025 of 2017/11/01
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  La Valletta Action Plan of 2015/11/11
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Sudan National Health policy 2017-2030 of 2017/01/01
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  AT GLANCE 2018 of 2018/05/09
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Brochure Sudan 2020 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Brochure Camerun Ciad 2020 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Brochure +CAR 2020 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  At glance 2022 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  AICS Khartoum in a Nutshell 2022 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Humanitarian Needs Overview Sudan 2023 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Humanitarian Response Plan Sudan 2023 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Sudan Zero Hunger Strategic Review 2017-2030 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Sudan-National Nutrition Strategic Plan_2014-2025 of 2023/02/10
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  FAO Special Report Crop and Food supply - March 2022 of 2023/02/10

17 Show projects list

AICS development projects

€ 15,342,000

Total resources committed

€ 10,146,882

Total resources used

What is it spent for?

The purpose/sector of destination of a bilateral contribution should be selected by answering the question “which specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster”. The sector classification does not refer to the type of goods or services provided by the donor. Sector specific education or research activities (e.g. agricultural education) or construction of infrastructure (e.g. agricultural storage) should be reported under the sector to which they are directed, not under education, construction, etc. read more close

By means of?

The typology identifies the modalities that are used in aid delivery. It classifies transfers from the donor to the first recipient of funds (e.g. the recipient country, a multilateral organisation, or a basket fund).  It does not track the end uses of the funds, which is addressed in the sector classification and to some extent through the policy objective markers. read more close

Main ongoing projects

Recipient € Used resources
Emergency initiative targeting the moving population and the hosting communities in Sudan affected by the outbreak of the conflict started on April 15 SD 5,000,000
TADMEEN - Social inclusion, Human Capital Development and Protection of Vulnerable Groups within Migrants, Refugees and Host Communities SD 4,129,290
Emergency Initiative in favor of vulnerable sectors of the population living in Sudan to fosterdurable solutions with the aim of social inclusion and SD 4,000,000
Support for the improvement of the functionality of the reference general hospital in port Sudan, Kassala and Gedaref SD 3,950,000
Support for the improvement of the functionality and operativeness of the general hospital in Port Sudan, Kassala and Gaderef SD 3,850,000
Expansion and Improvement of Healthcare Services Kassala Health Citadel, Kassala, Kassala State, Sudan - Phase IV SD 3,300,000
Emergency Initiative in favor of the vulnerable population in Sudan affected by natural disasters and conflicts SD 3,000,000
Regional Programme For Eritrean-Sudanese Mixed Migration SD 2,600,000
Humanitarian Programm in favour of the vulnerable population in the nutrition WASH and the healt sectors SD 2,593,127
Zero Hunger: Italy contribution to PAMfor the Sudan Family Support Programme SD 2,500,000
Delivery of Emergency Nutritional Support in Vulnerable Areas of Sudan SD 2,500,000
Reducing malnutrition in Kassala State SD 2,450,000
Alleviate the poor living conditions of the population of Eastern State, North Darfour Khartoum, in particular refugees and migrants. SD 2,393,060
Building Youth Inclusion in Sudan SD 2,272,500
UNIDO - Sudan -Development of supply chains and access to financial services for inclusive economic growth in the State of Kassala SD 2,250,000
Res East - Streghtening the Resilience and inclusive Sustainable Agriculture Development for the people of the Eastern states in Sudan SD 2,121,000
Support for the development of human resources in the health sector of the Red Sea State SD 1,955,236
AESSS - Increase the effectiveness of health services in Sudan: healthcare and healthcare education SD 1,880,000
MIPRO-SUD Improving food production in Sudan supporting small producers in the agriculture, fisheries and livestock sectors in the Red Sea and Kassala SD 1,800,000
Support to the Central Laboratory of the new “Kassala Health Citadel” SD 1,799,306
Maternal and Child public health support in Sudan by improving knowledge and infrastructure SD 1,748,340
INLAB – Economic Empowerment and Integration of Persons with Disabilities to the Job Market SD 1,727,952
Sustainable basic water supply, adequate sanitation and hygienic practices for emergency affected communities, schools and healthcare facilities in Si SD 1,550,000
Capacity-Building Support for improved nutrition in Sudan SD 1,515,000
Supporting Slum Upgrading and Resilience in Mayo's open areas, Khartoum - Phase II SD 1,506,569
Humanitarian Aid Program for the populations of Sudan affected by natural disasters and conflicts SD 1,500,000
“SESAMAI” Support to the national policies and to mother and child health services SD 1,499,772
Integration of services maternal and children with HIV, TB and Malaria in south sudan. Counties Yirol West and Mundri East SD 1,497,382