Amazi meza (Clean water) – Strengthening the access to potable water and hygiene for the rural Rwandan population
ImplementationAid type
Project-type interventionsRwanda
€ 1,800,000
€ 1,080,000
The initiative arises from the thirty years of MLFM experience in Rwanda, in particular in the District of Gatsibo (Eastern Province), and from its recognized competence in the WASH sector. It is also the result of the synergy, already tested in other interventions, with the District of Gatsibo, the local authority responsible for future management, and with the Rwandan NGO Community Fountain Organization (CFO), whose experience in community mobilization, women empowerment and hygiene and sanitation education are complementary for the participation of the population and social sustainability. The outcome of the project is to guarantee sustainable access to drinking water and adequate sanitation conditions for the rural population of the Busetsa Cell (8525 inhabitants) whose population (especially women and children) is forced to walk for an average of 3 hours daily for water supply and currently without opportunities to maintain acceptable hygiene and sanitation conditions. The intervention acts on different levels where both technical infrastructural and a socio-institutional component are combined. Result1 - Increased sustainable access to drinking water for the local population and strengthened the public/private management system of the resource, through the construction of two water systems, that serves the 12 Villages of the Cell at a maximum distance of 250 meters from each residential area, a school group, a health center (with a catchment area of 30,536 people) and a health post, thus integrating the resource into these basic services not been provided so far. The management system is also expected to be strengthened, acting from the bottom, through the establishment and training of Water Users Committees for the management of water points which, in order to enhance the community participation, foresee a constant contact with the beneficiaries to encourage the management to be as participatory as possible; at the top of management, through intensive technical and organizational training to a selection of focal persons of public and private management bodies that fills the gaps highlighted in the need assessment and observed in these years of MLFM work on the field. R2 - Improved, at public and private level, the access to adequate sanitary conditions, i.e. to inclusive services for women of menstrual age and people with disabilities, providing a sustainable management from a technical and environmental point of view. The action operates on the structural improvement of sanitation facilities at school and household level, on the first point by building latrines, handwashing facilities, cisterns and girls rooms (rooms equipped for menstrual hygiene managements for girls), on the second by training the population for the autonomous construction of more hygienic, safe and sustainable domestic latrines. In a complementary way, the project will work, always both in schools and in the community, with training and awareness campaigns on hygiene, with a rooted bottom-up approach, which sees the structuring of permanent committees and clubs and with an important focus on female menstruation hygiene, a cause of stigma and socio-educational exclusion for adolescents and women of menstrual age. Finally, the project includes the establishment of two different forms of local micro-entrepreneurship initiatives, namely a female VSLA for the production of economically accessible recyclable menstrual sanitary pads and a cooperative for the management of organic waste from schools and private latrines, for their correct re-introduction into the environment in the form of compost, to protect environmental hygiene and the groundwater.
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Year | Committed | Used |
2022 | € 1,800,000 | € 1,080,000 |
Type | Name | Channel code |
Government | AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development | 11000 |
Channel reported
Type | Name | Channel code |
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