Business development in coffee and horticulture value chains in Rwanda for a long-lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic and employment growth
ImplementationAid type
Project-type interventionsRwanda
€ 1,800,000
€ 1,080,000
The overall objective of this three-year Initiative is to contribute to Rwandas sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth through supporting the implementation of the local Governments development policies for agribusiness supply chains from a business development perspective, contributing to full employment and decent work creation. The Initiative insists on economic growth; in particular, agriculture is central to the economy, employment and poverty reduction employing 72% of the population with a contribution to 33% of GDP. The local Government supports and aims at the growth of the sector thanks to the professionalization and development of high-impact, high-value and export-driven agricultural sectors such as coffee and horticulture, chosen by the Initiative in agreement with the Government and in line with the work of the Leader and Partners and the strategies of major donors and International Agencies. The two sectors are particularly important: coffee employs more than 400,000 producers and accounts for 43% of agricultural exports; horticulture employs more than 60,000 producers and is the fourth most important export-oriented sector. The Rwandan government is counting on coffee for large volumes and thus increasing incomes and the circulation of foreign currency, and is counting on horticulture to improve nutrition, decrease imports, generate employment and contribute to export diversification. Therefore, the initiative has adopted as a specific objective an increase in turnover, profitability and employment for the actors of the coffee and horticulture supply chains with an inclusive economic growth with high social and environmental impact, with an active participation of youth and women, and with a contrast of the negative effects of the pandemic. The intervention addresses the identified needs of: - Increased productivity and capacity for conservation and processing along the supply chain, introducing the use of good agricultural practices, technical trainings, access to inputs, provision of tools and technologies also through the intensification of trade with our country to promote the “Sistema Italia” and Made in Italy in the areas of mechanization and irrigation - Increased access to credit, improving management skills and financial planning through training and personalized support - Compliance with international quality standards, improving knowledge and alignment with market demand - Greater involvement of young people in agriculture and enhancement of women’s participation in decision-making processes, with specific methodologies and technical training during studies - Reducing the effects of the pandemic, with a growth that makes up for the reduction in income (-40%) and workforce (-60%). The selected target groups are producers (more than 18,000 people, 27% youth and 30% women), businesses, and youth in vocational training. The intervention logic is based on 4 fundamental pillars: 1. Business development, because the coffee and horticulture sectors are important, pulling and export-oriented. Of particular importance are the tools of market knowledge and access to credit, without which business development and therefore economic growth and employment are inhibited 2. The pull approach, i.e. starting from companies that already have a growing demand for products on the national and international market and working to satisfy it, and not working on production without being sure that there is demand 3. The choice of strategic partners: relevant local actors rooted in the field; 4) Environmental focus, promoting Good Agricoltural Practices and innovations that strengthen resilience and mitigate the effects of climate change
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Year | Committed | Used |
2022 | € 1,800,000 | € 1,080,000 |
Type | Name | Channel code |
Government | AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development | 11000 |
Channel reported
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