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Emergency contribution to OCHA for the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF)




Aid type

Basket funds/pooled funding




€ 500,000
€ 500,000


The initiative supports the Ukraine Humanitarian Fund (UHF), multi-donor country-based pooled fund (CBPF) established in March 2019 by ERC Mark Lowcock and managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), to respond to the humanitarian needs and operational complexity of the crisis in Ukraine. The Fund focuses mainly on responding to the most urgent humanitarian needs, allowing it to respond quickly to unexpected or unforeseen needs. In this sense, it also includes actions in response to the needs induced by the COVID-19 emergency. read more close
Year Committed Used
2021 € 500,000 € 500,000


Type Name Channel code
Government AICS - Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development 11000

Channel reported

Type Name Channel code
Multilateral UNOCHA - United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs 41127

Project data

  • IATI IdentifierXM-DAC-6-4-012277-01-0
  • CRS Activity identifier2021000150
  • AID012277/01/0
  • Planned start 2021/01/01
  • Planned End 2022/01/01
  • Actual start 2021/03/26
  • Actual end 2023/03/02
  • Bi/Multilateral Bilateral
  • Status Closed
  • Tied status Untied


  • 72010 - Material relief assistance and services 100.0%

Policy markers

  • Gender Equality not targeted
  • Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR) not targeted
  • Nutrition not targeted
  • Aid to Environment not targeted
  • Participatory Development/Good Governance not targeted
  • Trade Development not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change - Mitigation not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change - Adaptation not targeted
  • Aid Targeting the Objectives of the Convention to Combat Desertification not targeted


  • 1.1 - By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day