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> Africa


Population growth
2.88 %  
GDP per capita
Source: World Bank, latest available data

Italian Cooperation in the country

The cooperation relationship between Italy and Mozambique originates
in the support provided by the government and civil society of our
country in its various components in the struggle for independence and
the peace process that ended the civil war 1977-1992, culminating in the
signing of the Rome Agreements on 4th October 1992.

The main areas of AICS action in Mozambique are education, health,
rural development and urban development, with particular attention to
cross-cutting issues, such as good governance and gender equality.

In 2015 the Italy-Mozambique Country Programme (2015-2018) was approved.

Since 2016, following the severe drought that has hit Australia in
Africa, caused by the Niño, the Italian Agency for Development
Cooperation is launching a regional initiative to mitigate the effects
of drought and strengthen resilience in Mozambique, Swaziland, Malawi
and Zimbabwe.

The Italian Cooperation acknowledges the specificities of its
“country system” and the various articulations in which it expresses and
promotes active participation and systemic action in support of
Mozambique’s development, through local authorities, universities, NGOs
and the private sector. Italy is committed to fostering broader debate
and dialogue between the various Italian actors, promoting partnerships
and respecting the principles of harmonization and alignment emerged
over the last decade in the international arena.

Cooperation between the various Italian development actors will be
enhanced through synergies with NGOs and with Italian local authorities
(“decentralized cooperation”), always respecting the priorities
identified by the Government of Mozambique.

Strategic development document in the country

The current Five Year Program of the Mozambican Government 2015-2019 presents the priorities of the economic and social development of the country in the various areas of governance.

The Program is the Government's commitment to focus its action on finding solutions to the challenges and obstacles that hinder the economic and social development of the country.

The government program focuses on increasing employment, productivity and competitiveness to improve the living conditions of Mozambicans, in the countryside and in cities, in an atmosphere of peace, harmony and tranquility, consolidating democracy and participatory governance and inclusive.

The fundamental action of the state will be towards five priorities: i) consolidation of national unity, peace and sovereignty; ii) Development of human and social capital; (iii) promotion of employment, productivity and competitiveness; (iv) development of economic and social infrastructure and (v) sustainable and transparent management of natural resources and the environment.

The implementation of government action in each of the five priorities will be supported by three pillars of support such as: (i) ensuring democratic rule of law, good governance and decentralization, (ii) promoting a balanced and sustainable macroeconomic environment; (iii) strengthening of international cooperation.

The Italian strategy and the areas of intervention

The Italy-Mozambique Country Program 2015-2018 is the result of intense collaboration between the two countries. With this tool Italy intends to align itself with the planning tools of the Mozambican Government and in particular the 2015-2019 Five Year Plan, which reflects the objectives: to promote inclusive development and improve the living conditions of the population, in a peaceful and secure, increasing employment, productivity and competitiveness.

Italy shares the importance that the Government of Mozambique attaches to the State General Budget Support Program, as a tool to achieve the objectives of effectiveness of aid, alignment, "ownership" and harmonization defined by the Conferences of Rome 2003, Paris 2005 , Accra 2008 and Busan 2011.

Furthermore, this program identifies new development cooperation initiatives. Between 2015 and 2018 Italy will continue to support the development of Mozambique, concentrating as a priority its support in the fields of education, health and agriculture and rural development, with particular attention, within each area , good governance and gender equality. The lines of action will be defined in accordance with the strategies contained in the national planning documents and the technical and financial support will be channeled through the procedures and mechanisms existing in the country.

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COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Piano Quinquennale del Governo del mozambico 2015-2019 of 2018/02/05
COUNTRY PROGRAMME:  Programma Paese Italia-Mozambico 2015-2018 of 2018/02/05

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AICS development projects

€ 24,415,445

Total resources committed

€ 21,443,406

Total resources used

What is it spent for?

The purpose/sector of destination of a bilateral contribution should be selected by answering the question “which specific area of the recipient’s economic or social structure is the transfer intended to foster”. The sector classification does not refer to the type of goods or services provided by the donor. Sector specific education or research activities (e.g. agricultural education) or construction of infrastructure (e.g. agricultural storage) should be reported under the sector to which they are directed, not under education, construction, etc. read more close

By means of?

The typology identifies the modalities that are used in aid delivery. It classifies transfers from the donor to the first recipient of funds (e.g. the recipient country, a multilateral organisation, or a basket fund).  It does not track the end uses of the funds, which is addressed in the sector classification and to some extent through the policy objective markers. read more close

Main ongoing projects

Recipient € Used resources
Prevention and control of non communicable desease MZ 7,503,000
Technical assistance fund MZ 7,300,370
ILUMINA: Access to energy for local development and women's empowerment MZ 5,128,500
SUPPORT TO THE DEVELOPMETN OF HUMAN RESOURCES FO THE HEALTH-SECTOR. Financing to recipient government institutions MZ 4,856,400
Resource Innovation and development for the Conservation Areas (RINO) MZ 4,643,200
Multi-donor Fund to support the Mozambican National Health System - PROSAUDE III MZ 4,500,000
Agricultural supply chains and promotion of coffee production in the Querimbas National Park MZ 4,000,000
ITALY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE SECTOR WIDE APPROACH - HEALTH - IN MOZAMBIQUE. Financing to recipient government institutions MZ 4,000,000
GIFT TO THE GOVERNMENT - SUPPORT THE E.MONDLANE UNIVERSITY FOR ACADEMIC REFORM. Financing to recipient government institutions MZ 3,395,000
Support to the education common fund (FASE) MZ 3,000,000
Education Sector Common Fund (FASE) Support. Financing to recipient government institutions MZ 3,000,000
Improve the inclusive and sustainable development of agricultural value chains MZ 3,000,000
Rigenera: integrated Redevelop of Chamanculo C neighborhood in Maputo MZ 2,800,000
Resources Innovation and development for the Conservation Areas (RINO) MZ 2,700,000
Integrated Agricultural Development Program of the Beira Corridor (ProDAl-Beira) MZ 2,500,000
Protection of coastal and marine habitats of the Quirimbas National Park for food security and economic development MZ 2,377,703
ECRVS - Support to the modernisation of the civil registry and vital statistics system in Mozambique MZ 2,305,000
As Mulheres no SUSTENTA: sustainable development in the Province of Manica through the active participation of women in the rural economy MZ 2,280,000
PROTECT – Safeguarding of paediatric health through an increased access to quality maternal and child health care services, intensive neonatal care MZ 2,160,000
Educ-IN: Inclusive and quality early childhood education in Mozambique MZ 2,159,730
ETHAKA - A sustainable agricultural production and consumption model for climate resilience and food and nutrition security MZ 2,158,387
Strengthening resilience for communities vulnerable to climate change in Mozambique MZ 2,000,000
Stabilization support to Palma District through basic service provision MZ 2,000,000
Multi-donor Fund to support the Mozambican National Health System – PROSAUDE IV MZ 2,000,000
Trasboundary integrated management of miombo woodlands between Mozambique and Zimbabwe MZ 2,000,000
Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases MZ 1,980,000