Property | Value |
vocab:ActivityStatus | Finalisation |
vocab:AidType_Code | C01 |
vocab:AidType_Name | Project-type interventions |
vocab:CollaborationType | 1 |
vocab:Country_Code | SD |
vocab:Country_Description | Sudan (the) |
vocab:Description | Contribuire alla risposta umanitaria in Sudan. |
vocab:Description_en | The Initiative aims to assist vulnerable populations in Sudan, affected by conflicts and natural disasters, refugees and IDPs, mainly in the states of Khartoum, Eastern Sudan (Kassala, Gedaref, Red Sea) and Darfur. The main areas of intervention are: Health, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods, Protection, Disaster Risk Reduction. |
vocab:FinanceType_Code | 110 |
vocab:FinanceType_Name | Standard grant |
vocab:FlowType_Code | 10 |
vocab:FlowType_Description | ODA |
vocab:Hierarchy | 1 |
vocab:IatiIdentifier | XM-DAC-6-4-012461-01-0 |
vocab:PlannedEnd | 2024-10-31 |
vocab:PlannedStart | 2022-11-01 |
vocab:Region_Code | |
vocab:Region_Description | |
vocab:TiedStatus | 5 |
vocab:Title | Iniziativa di Emergenza per le popolazioni vulnerabili del Sudan colpite da disastri naturali e conflitti |
vocab:Title_en | Emergency Initiative in favor of the vulnerable population in Sudan affected by natural disasters and conflicts |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2022): 3000000.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2022): 3000000.0 EUR |
rdfs:label | Projects #XM-DAC-6-4-012461-01-0 |
rdf:type | vocab:Projects |