Property | Value |
vocab:ActivityStatus | Closed |
vocab:AidType_Code | C01 |
vocab:AidType_Name | Project-type interventions |
vocab:CollaborationType | 1 |
vocab:Country_Code | |
vocab:Country_Description | |
vocab:Description | L'iniziativa è volta al rafforzamento delle capacità nazionali e locali di coordinamento ed attuazione del Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Etiopia, Eritrea e nella Repubblica Federale della Somalia. |
vocab:Description_en | The initiative aims at strengthening national and local capacities for the coordination and implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Ethiopia, Eritrea and in the Federal Republic of Somalia. |
vocab:FinanceType_Code | 110 |
vocab:FinanceType_Name | Standard grant |
vocab:FlowType_Code | 10 |
vocab:FlowType_Description | ODA |
vocab:Hierarchy | 1 |
vocab:IatiIdentifier | XM-DAC-6-4-012087-01-4 |
vocab:PlannedEnd | 2021-08-14 |
vocab:PlannedStart | 2020-01-14 |
vocab:Region_Code | 289 |
vocab:Region_Description | South of Sahara, regional |
vocab:TiedStatus | 5 |
vocab:Title | Contributo a UNDRR per il rafforzamento della gestione del rischio disastri in Etiopia, Eritrea e Somalia |
vocab:Title_en | Contribution to UNDRR for strengthening Disaster Risk Management in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2020): 1000000.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2020): 1000000.0 EUR |
rdfs:label | Projects #XM-DAC-6-4-012087-01-4 |
rdf:type | vocab:Projects |