Property | Value |
vocab:ActivityStatus | Implementation |
vocab:AidType_Code | G01 |
vocab:AidType_Name | Administrative costs not included elsewhere |
vocab:CollaborationType | 1 |
vocab:Country_Code | CU |
vocab:Country_Description | Cuba |
vocab:Description | L'iniziativa mira a fornire strumenti operativi all'ufficio italiano di cooperazione allo sviluppo a Cuba per rafforzare la sua capacità di gestione nella programmazione, identificazione, preparazione e attuazione delle attività di cooperazione a Cuba |
vocab:Description_en | The initiative aims to provide operational tools to the Italian Development Cooperation Office in Habana in order to reinforce its management capacity in programming, identification, preparation and implementation of the cooperation activities in Cuba |
vocab:FinanceType_Code | 110 |
vocab:FinanceType_Name | Standard grant |
vocab:FlowType_Code | 10 |
vocab:FlowType_Description | ODA |
vocab:Hierarchy | 1 |
vocab:IatiIdentifier | XM-DAC-6-4-011459-01-1 |
vocab:PlannedEnd | 2022-12-31 |
vocab:PlannedStart | 2018-01-02 |
vocab:Region_Code | |
vocab:Region_Description | |
vocab:TiedStatus | 4 |
vocab:Title | Fondo unico per l'assistenza tecnica alle attività di cooperazione |
vocab:Title_en | Technical Assistance Fund |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2017): 400000.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2020): 1050000.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2022): 9.16 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2023): 500000.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2018): 63100.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2019): 22756.97 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2020): 314143.03 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2021): 550009.16 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2023): 500000.0 EUR |
rdfs:label | Projects #XM-DAC-6-4-011459-01-1 |
rdf:type | vocab:Projects |