Property | Value |
vocab:ActivityStatus | Implementation |
vocab:AidType_Code | C01 |
vocab:AidType_Name | Project-type interventions |
vocab:CollaborationType | 1 |
vocab:Country_Code | PS |
vocab:Country_Description | Palestine, State of |
vocab:Description | Iniziativa di 36 mesi a supporto all'autorità Nazionale Palestinese per l'istituzionalizzazione del gender mainstreaming. Supporto al bilancio del Ministero della Donna MoWA, Assitenza Tecnica e supporto al bilancio del Palestinian Centra Bureau of Statistics |
vocab:Description_en | The proposed intervention aims at the technical and operational impovement of the gender mainstreaming mechanism of the Palestinian National Autority. This will be achieved trough the support to the accountability processes of national gender policies; the support to the colection and dissemination of gender relevant data and indicators; and the capacity building of government hig level personnel in line Ministries and Governorates. |
vocab:FinanceType_Code | 110 |
vocab:FinanceType_Name | Standard grant |
vocab:FlowType_Code | 10 |
vocab:FlowType_Description | ODA |
vocab:Hierarchy | 1 |
vocab:IatiIdentifier | XM-DAC-6-4-011279-04-1 |
vocab:PlannedEnd | 2022-12-31 |
vocab:PlannedStart | 2017-12-21 |
vocab:Region_Code | |
vocab:Region_Description | |
vocab:TiedStatus | 4 |
vocab:Title | SI-GEWE Supporto all'Istituzionalizzazione del GEnder mainstreaming e dell'Empowerment femminile nella NPA 2017-2022 - Gestione diretta |
vocab:Title_en | SI_GEWE Support to the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming and women's empowerment in 2017-2022 |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2017): 2085000.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2018): 435000.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2019): 664419.17 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2020): -268763.52 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2021): 13.74 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2022): 705000.0 EUR |
rdfs:label | Projects #XM-DAC-6-4-011279-04-1 |
rdf:type | vocab:Projects |