Property | Value |
vocab:ActivityStatus | Closed |
vocab:AidType_Code | B01 |
vocab:AidType_Name | Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes |
vocab:CollaborationType | 1 |
vocab:Country_Code | SN |
vocab:Country_Description | Senegal |
vocab:Description | Il progetto contribuisce al miglioramento della competitività del settore agricolo, il miglioramento dell’ambiente e delle condizioni di lavoro e la diversificazione dell’economia rurale al fine di migliorare le condizioni di vita delle popolazioni della Valle del Fiume Senegal, rafforzando in particolare il tessuto micro imprenditoriale della zona. |
vocab:Description_en | The project contributes to the improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural sector, the improvement of the work environment and working conditions and the diversification of the rural economy in order to improve the living conditions of the people of the valley of the Senegal River strengthening in particular the micro-business network in the area. |
vocab:FinanceType_Code | 110 |
vocab:FinanceType_Name | Standard grant |
vocab:FlowType_Code | 10 |
vocab:FlowType_Description | ODA |
vocab:Hierarchy | 1 |
vocab:IatiIdentifier | XM-DAC-6-4-010144-02-4 |
vocab:PlannedEnd | 2017-02-28 |
vocab:PlannedStart | 2014-03-01 |
vocab:Region_Code | |
vocab:Region_Description | |
vocab:TiedStatus | |
vocab:Title | programma di appoggio alla micro impresa rurale nella valle del fiume Senegal |
vocab:Title_en | support of small scale rural activities in the valley of the river Senegal |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2015): 9480.94 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2016): 3872.64 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2017): 4248.0 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Commitment (2018): 5925.96 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2015): 9480.94 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2016): 3872.64 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2017): 3686.51 EUR |
vocab:Transaction | Disbursement (2018): 5925.96 EUR |
rdfs:label | Projects #XM-DAC-6-4-010144-02-4 |
rdf:type | vocab:Projects |